Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Jess and I have agreed to have an "Open Relationship." That means we're still together but since we live long distance, will now be sleeping with other people. To tide over our sexual needs, see. After all, sex and love can be two very different things.

This all came about last night after yet another disastrous talk. I told him I missed him, and he lost it cause "he can't do anything about it." He's confused and he needs to think about a lot of things, translation, "I'm not so sure I want to be with you."

I'd really love to smack him upside the head sometimes, just for being a jerk. Then I'd like to get my head checked, since I obviously do not speak Male. Our Christmas time together went relatively well and we got a lot of issues out on the table and when he left, I truly thought we'd reached some kind of new place. Honesty, appreciation, realization, and a little more growing up on both our parts. But then like always, he goes home, lives his life and gets mad at me for not being, looking or acting in the way that he wants. So I brought up the Open Relationship idea.

Surprised it was me? I am too. It's usually such a testosterone loaded option. I just started thinking, maybe it's unfair of me to expect total faithfulness when we're not going to be in the same time zone for awhile. We're young, and we have needs. It's just sex, not love. I am still his heart.

Part of me thinks I'm being totally modern and understanding, and is open to a new experience or two. The other part just wants to crawl under the bed and rot.

Why do I have no spine when it comes to this man? I am well educated, well spoken, and I travel the world. In my everyday life I'm known as the girl that doesn't take crap. I was nicknamed "Shooter" at a paper I used to be at, for constantly shooting off my mouth and my pen. I almost got arrested for telling off the manager of a movie theater. I have made a superintendent cry. I was a News Editor when I was twenty and believe me, I fired at will. I've eaten alligator, ostrich and sea urchin for the hell of it, and I emceed a wedding with a whip.

But he says or does just one small thing without the best of intentions, and I become an emotional wreck without even a penny's worth of common sense.

I keep thinking about this open relationship deal and telling myself over and over that if you love something set it free, bla bla. I know if we're meant to be together we'll see this through, but in the meantime, why does it have to hurt so much?


The Big Cheese said...

Thanks for the comment. Wasn't sure if you didn't want to responed or not. Anyways, feel free to link me. I am traffic whore, and any extra will send me into e-gasim.

On the open relationship...not sure if you want advice from a guy but...As far as he is considered, he HAS been in an open relationship. Trust me on this. If you live that far away and if he knows that he has you wrapped up like he does, then he has been exploring.
Just break up with the fella. For your own good. Not that he is a bad man or you are a bad fit. But if you are giving the green light to have sex with other people then take the baby step and cut it off. If you want the feeling to grow stronger for him. Then don't give him a back up plan for ass (that's you, the back up or the sure thing) and let him venture off on his own. Within 2 weeks he will be calling you wanting to be with you and only you and, "let's just forget about all the 'open' bullshit", he will say. [Blue Balls has much power over the mans brian.]
At this point you will say no, and for the next 1.5 months have the upper hand and will control his penis with communist like command.
At the end of that time once you have had sex with 2 guys, made out with one, one hand job, and brief encounter with a female friend, you will be ready to settle back into him...that is if you still want him.

But in summary, the first person that admits to sex with someone else will without a doubt be either, a "whore", or a "fucking asshole, I can't believe you could do this to me".

Sorry but this is all entirely true.

The Big Cheese said...

Let me know if you are having formating trouble with links and the like. I had them too when I first started changing things up a bit.

Lance Morrison said...

Honey Honey Honey,
Sorry, but I have to disagree with TBC. No offence to him.
Doing that is just playing games. You are a mature adult woman, and this is no time for games. Your heart holds all your emotions and love, and should not be treated like a playing piece.
Follow your heart. Talk to your sister. Talk to a friend. Talk to a stranger on the subway.
But if you want my opinion, as you do, I'm not so sure an open relationship is the way to go.
It could, hypothetically, help you to grow together, but it may just help you to grow apart. Is it worth the risk?