Sunday, February 11, 2007

Starbucks cup
The Way I See It #152

Perhaps people who think, “the sky is the limit” haven’t heard of Yuri Gagarin. We live in a limitless world, but if we aim low we’ll surely miss the target.

I looked up Yuri Gagarin. He was a Soviet cosmonaut, the first man in space, and the first person to ever orbit the earth. In his photo on Wikipedia he's smiling, in full military dress, and bedecked with medals and other honours. It's not hard to see why.

It's easy to understand what the author of that coffee cup quote is trying to say: aim for the stars; nothing else will do.

It just seems that sometimes, getting into space is easier than fighting the good fight to improve one's self.

Of course, in such cases, it never hurts to find other bits that will boost you all the more, like that memorable moniker from The Girl Next Door: "The juice was worth the squeeze."

Some fresh OJ sounds really good right now, too. And I mean that in the most metaphorical possible sense.


The Tormented Girl said...

and just an aside, there is a really neat Yuri Gagarin statue in Moscow.
I took some pics when I was there in 1998 but they're film not digital so you'll just have to check someone elses pics:

saucygrrl said...

I don't know. It almost seems to me that the author isn't saying "shoot for the stars because nothing else will do." To me it almost sounds like he's saying that if we purposely aiming low we probably never wanted to go far in the first place.

Hmmm, then again, he could be saying that even though we perceive the sky to be the highest achievement, if we strive for only what we know as the highest goal, we'll never realize that we can go even further.

Oh hell, this is coming from the girl who sat in front in English class because if it looked like I was paying attention and looked like I knew what I was doing, no one would ever realize that I was just faking it all along. HA! (Actually, that could really tie into the aiming low part…)

Hope said...

the juice is turning out to be quite well worth the squeeze. nice. i'm happy to see you walking through home depot with someone who says 'im walking through the store with the most beautiful girl in the world.' i like this sandy fellow.

With Love, Fat Girl said...

Tormented, I saw the picture of the statue on the Wikipedia page of Yuri. I'm jealous you've been to Russia, I hope to go there someday!

Hope, where've you been, girl? Nice to see you again!

Saucy, thanks for stopping by, come often! I always sat in the back of English class so the prof couldn't see me goofing off. Being older and (somewhat, I hope) wiser, I now know that profs pay special attention to the backs of lecture halls, because that's where all the goof off-ers sit.