Monday, June 26, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me

I greeted the first morning of my 31st year on this earth with happy kisses from my dog, and the worst bedhead ever. To my happiness it was raining outside - I love the rain, and it almost never rains on my birthday - and when it stopped, the morning felt peaceful and new.

Everyone is asking me how I feel, and true to form, I answer the way I've done every single birthday before this: I don't feel any different at all. Although if I was really to look back and ponder on it all, I'm sure I feel much different today than I did on the morning of my 19th birthday. Such is life.

There have been some presents, there have been some calls, and I'm sure there will be more of both later on. It's still early. Tonight there is sushi with friends but for now, I want some fabulous time alone with my fabulous, old fart self. There's a city to discover.

The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly and lie about your age. - Lucille Ball


With Love, Fat Girl said...

Thank you :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Bday, withlove. I hope this year is an amazing one for you!

g string addict said...

Happy Birthday :)

A lot of my friends have birthdays at around this time of the year too, and I am starting to believe that some of the greatest personas in this world were born during this time of the year :)

Hope all your wishes come true!

With Love, Fat Girl said...

Thank you, thank you, and thank you! Thank you deep and thank you muchly, you're all some of the bestest people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing, and that's the truth.


Lance Morrison said...

Happy Birthday Beautiful,
Sorry I could not make it for sushi. I forgot that we (Robert and I) were entertaining guestd from the UK that arrived this afternoon.
Hope the year is filled with warm memories, joy and love. I can promise that you will get all three from me.

Big Gay Smooches,

Anonymous said...

Congratulations "word person" .... I've been with you the entire way....

A friggin' actress??? Count your lucky stars I didn't know that sooner!

That entry made me HOWL! (Because I do remember your arms drooping ... you became a "droopy" happy tree.
