Tuesday, May 22, 2007

For weeks, Herbal Magic has been calling me. I haven’t been taking the calls or answering back because a long time ago I came to a decision, and I’ve been too much of a chicken shit to tell them.

When the fatties stop coming for their vitamins and don’t return the calls, they start getting letters. Mine arrived a few days ago, here it is:

Dear Client,

It is normal procedure for us to stay in contact with all of our clients. Most of the past clients we have contacted have successfully achieved their goal and are now maintaining their weight using the tools they learned throughout their program. It appears, however, that you stopped before reaching your goal.

No shit.

This is certainly understandable. Dieting is tough! We have helped so many clients attain their goal and we feel confident that we can help you too.

But what if I’m not so confident about that anymore?

Your file has been closed.

I won’t pretend that doesn’t sting, just a little bit.

Whether you have already reached your goal or would like support with maintenance, you may have a new goal in mind, we would like to take the opportunity to sit down and discuss all your options available.

There is nothing to lose by calling and booking a free re-evaluation!


Herbal Magic

I can honestly say that of every diet program I have ever been on in my entire life, it was with Herbal Magic that I showed the littlest interest. Lord knows they were patient with me and always treated me well, but I was never really 100% with them.

Why? Maybe it wasn’t for me. Maybe I’m cheap, maybe I’m lazy, maybe I just don’t want it bad enough. Maybe I’m sick of programs and weigh-ins, or, maybe I just want to change my life by myself, one day at a time.

I gained all this myself, didn’t I? Now, I want to lose it myself. I’m almost 32-years old, after all. If I can buy my own clothes and drive my own car, why can’t I take the wheel over every aspect of my life?

With a deep breath I pick up the phone, dial Herbal Magic and tell the answering service Thanks for being patient with me, but I think I’m better off flying solo.

Coming from a competitive home, I am now programmed to feel like a quitter. I can’t help that, it’s hardwired into my system.

But I’m tired of it, tired of people telling me what I already know. Eat right. Exercise. Respect yourself. It’s not Herbal Magic, it’s the icing on the proverbial diet program cake. I mean, I’ve done this so many times. Shouldn’t I know the formulas well enough now to do it on my own?

Up to this point, where I am right now that is, how far have diet programs taken me?


Anonymous said...

So you're not ready, cut yourself some slack. You've been at this for so long you probably need to just take a vacation from trying so damn hard.

That, and you keep beating yourself up emotionally. I think you deserve a little time for you to be nice to yourself. Really nice. Like, no personal insults of being stupid or lazy or a quitter or anything.

Go out, train for your 20K like that's your goal. Not losing weight. If you lose in the process that's a bonus. Find a way to have fun with a goal without feeling like a loser if you don't complete it.

Sorry, I'm more of a tough love kind of girl than a cheers and pom poms kind of girl... :)

Anonymous said...

Hey you want some serious training? How about you come spend a week with me and i'll make you paddle until your arms feel like they'll fall off...then make you drink a few gallons of salt water when a few sets come crashing on your head...then we'll bbq up some fish on the beach and wash it all down with a few beers!! Wait, that's not a workout, that's my typical Saturday! Just wanted to say hi and let you know that i'm still here and keeping up with your blog. Hope all is well take care! Love ya

With Love, Fat Girl said...

Saucy, I read your advice over about 20 times because it hit all the right chords... thank you :)

Mike, you surfing buffoon, I wish! Thanks for still reading and being here, xoxo, it's always much appreciated

Mrs. Loquacious said...

Diets, even the most effective ones like Weight Watchers, are ultimately meant to be "until you hit your goal weight" measures. They don't actually provide LIFESTYLE CHANGE skills and so I've seen so many people, even after hitting their goal weight, continue to count their points and do the "diet" thing because they haven't developed the skills to simply incorporate healthy regular food eating and exercise into their daily lives. Their brain operates automatically in "diet" mode rather than in "life" mode. It is actually kind of sad to witness.

I applaud you for taking responsibility for changing your life rather than relying on yet another "diet" gimmick. You and I both have enough experience to know that those are short term solutions to a much deeper, underlying problem that has more to do with our own relationship with food and activity than it does anything else. We know the formulas, we've done all the calculations, but in the end you and I both need to just make a decision to live differently, and to stick with it. Easier said than done, I know. :S

But you're on the right track, girl, so good for you!

Anonymous said...

Look at it this way sis ... we weren't cut out to have pom-poms in our face .... ie. you're doing SOOOOO well, you've lost 2 ounces this month - you should be SOOOO proud of yourself. It's a step in the right direction. You should give yourself a pat on the back..... blah, blah, blah. See, that crap doesn't work for us. Now bootcamp, on the other hand, probably would.

The Big Cheese said...

exercise. less food/better food. magic bullet.