Sunday, January 07, 2007

We have been lost to each other for so long... the opening line of one of my favourite books. That's The Red Tent, for future reference.

Not quite lost, but away. Breathing. Doing my thing, if you will. Someone asked in the previous post if I was on vacation, and I have been, in a manner of sorts. I didn't leave home or get on any airplanes, but I did take a step back. From absolutely everything.

I humbly ask your forgiveness for recent lack of posting, and thanks much for your patience, as always. It's been a great holiday and, very soon, you'll get to read all about it. I'm looking forward to the New Year, and getting my hands dirty again in the writing world.

Also, if I ever deviate again for weeks at a time without the "not in the country" excuse, you can kick my ass.

Tomorrow, tomorrow. It all comes tomorrow. Cheers.


Mood Indigo said...

welcome back! I actually like how many people took some time off around the holidays - made catching up that much easier. Still, I look forward to new posts!

With Love, Fat Girl said...

While part of me brandishes some serious guilt for being absentee, most of me really needed that. Thanks for the welcome back, and djw, you look good in that pic.