Thursday, January 25, 2007


Is it possible to be totally happy with yourself, if your significant other is totally happy with you?

During a couch potato phase a few years ago, which clashed with my limited cable only getting nine channels, I got addicted to reruns of Just Shoot Me. I couldn’t recall every character’s name if you paid me, never mind the running plots of the show, but one episode stuck.

Maya, played by Laura San Giacomo, is one of the main characters. She’s a very good looking and well-built woman (translation: hot body), and in this particular episode, she’s dating a smart, attractive man. They talk, they have fun and great times in general, but there’s one problem: he’s always shoving food at her.

After gaining a few pounds in record time, Maya gets the nagging suspicion that this new boyfriend is trying to fatten her up. Of course she dismisses this idea as ridiculous, until they run into one of his ex-girlfriends at a restaurant. Go figure, Ms. Ex is obese.

Maya corners her man and gets him to admit that yes, he’s got a thing for really large women. He likes Maya a heck of a lot, thing is, he’s attracted way more to her mind than her body. What he wants her to do is start racking on the pounds.

Maya is disgusted by this, until he says something on the lines of, “Think about it. You’re 100, 150 pounds away from being super hot. You could eat anything you want, never go to the gym again, and I’ll adore you.”

For a moment, this makes her stop and think. But in the end her answer is no, and fetish boy is cut loose.

This is a bit of an oxymoron in that dude is trying to change Maya, but the question still applies since the change isn’t one you anticipate. How often do our significant others want us to gain weight instead of lose it?

If you were overweight and unhappy with yourself (as Maya would undoubtedly have been), yet your better half was just crazy about you, would you still lose the weight? If you did have a hot body but were always under pressure to keep it, then along comes Mr. Most Understanding Man on Earth and he just happens to love his women rounded out, would you throw caution to the wind? Would you be happier, fatter, because he is?

After all, a huge part of the reason women do the things they do, is to attract fairer members of the opposite sex. Coco Chanel reinvented the hemline, but it’s mostly men that lust after the shapely legs defining it. To have the attention of your beloved, emotionally and physically, is a big thing.

Then again, we still have ourselves to look at in the mirror. Is his happiness enough? Will it convince you that you were all right all along, or would there still be that pull to do better? Would you still do it for yourself?


Mood Indigo said...

I think perhaps if having someone who loves you just as you are affects your thoughts on this at all, it should be to offer a perspective change. Maybe the sense of accomplishment and reaching your goal needs to be less about literal inches and lbs, and more about the moment when you are as happy with how you look and feel as those around you are. Crazy Aunt Purl (I always forget how to embed but the link is here: just put up an amazing post a few days ago about her issues with weight and dieting - and how she's shifting her focus away from the ideal she's set in her head, and the various rules/regulations she needs to follow to get there - to all around healthiness. It sounds like you've conquered this attitude in the love department. Perhaps part of what you can do for yourself is to take steps in a slightly different direction in looking at the weight issue with a new lense. Not sure if this is clear, or helpful - no matter what, you need to feel empowered to do whatever you can or want to to feel happy in your own skin :) Your happiness will only enhance the happiness of those who love you most.

Foofa said...

I think you ultimately have to be happy with yourself. Your significant others level of happiness could help you reach that point but it isn't as important as how you truly feel and want to be. I know Tony likes a round woman but I still want to change myself. It helps knowing he'll love me no matter what and it helps because I don't need to set a crazy thin goal (which I may have done otherwise) but I still need to be me for me.

g string addict said...

H*ll NO! You have to be happy first and then everyone around you can be happy. If you are miserable (and fat) then rest assured that everyone will (eventually) be miserable too.

Totally agree with Mood - your happiness will enhance the happiness of those around you. If you are uncomfortable being fat, then do not allow yourself to be fat. At all times, you must be able to do the things you want to do with the full support of those who told you that they love you, otherwise, their "love" is merely words and nothing more.

Everything that we do in this life, we do for ourselves. Even when at times we think we are doing it for someone else, at the end of the day, the real reason that we do it because we want to be happy seeing that other person happy (i.e. their happiness matter more than ours - rare, but exist).

yes, we are all very selfish beings.

Airam said...

I agree with all comments.

If you are miserable with your looks or rather, with the way your looks make you FEEL (because that's what it all comes down to ... I know people who are heavier who are completely content and full of confidence and then bone racks who complain of their "fat thighs") the guy your with (or family/friends) can tell you that you're perfect til their blue in the face and it won't make one difference.

It's all about you and how you want to see yourself and present yourself to the world. As long as it's not an unhealthy image it's fine.

Anonymous said...

You have to do whatever it is that makes YOU happy. Your partner may love you the way you are and that's great but if you don't feel comfortable with your looks then you must continue with your goals. Your other half should be supportive of those goals.

Anonymous said...

This shouldn't even be an issue girlfriend....
If you loose your sense of anything else really worth it?