Thursday, January 11, 2007

100% Real Juice: The Donald

Did you ever think one of these would come from The Donald? As in, Donald Trump?

As if the hair wasn't enough, he had to go and get philosophically correct.

"You must think positively. Think about how fortunate you already are and how much you have to look forward to. You can better your best day at any time. Very surprising things can happen, but you must-and I repeat must-be open to them. How can you fly if you’ve already clipped your wings?"

Alright, he was talking real estate. Big shocker. But read between the lines, and that can be applied to a heck of a lot of things, especially in everyday life.

Warning label of our times: Do not clip your wings. All too often this can happen before you know it. Well said.

Now if only The Donald would get a haircut...

1 comment:

Lance Morrison said...

Send him my card.