Monday, December 18, 2006

Earlier last week, on the phone...

Me: Hi sweetie, how are you?

Raj: Where have you been?! It's been ages! I miss you!

Me: I know! Can you believe it's been SO long since we've seen each other? I have no one to bitch with!

Raj: Pfft honey, don't even go there. Work is hell, the house is hell, life is hell, I could bitch until I died. But enough already, how are things with you, what's new?

Me: Well, I finished my course, you know about the car, and oh yeah, I'M GETTING MARRIED!

Raj: WHAT?

Me: Sandy popped the question a few days ago, isn't that so exciting? We're engaged!


Me: Raj?

More silence

Me: Raj? Hey, I'm totally joking.

Yet more silence

Me: Bunny do you honestly think I'd get married after such a short time? Where are you already? Talk!

Raj: If you get married before me, I'll kill myself.


Raj: I'm serious!

Me: Do you think I'm so emotionally bereft that I can't bag a husband before you?

Raj: That has nothing to do with it!


Raj: Well what do you fucking expect! And I got engaged first, it's not fair!

Me: I am so not speaking to you ever again.

Raj: Don't be such a stupidhead! I've been waiting and waiting and waiting and I want to get married, you know! You can't get married before me!

Me: Well then maybe you shouldn't have bought a house that was sinking into the ground and had your dream Martha Stewart wedding first!

Raj: You're such a moron! You take things so seriously!

Me: When my friends think I'm a romantic failure, yes I do! Beeyatch!

Raj: Whatever! I don't understand the point of us speaking to each other if all we do is fight!

Me: I know, we're worse than a grouchy old husband and wife. Maybe we should end everything right now.

Raj: Yes we should.

Me: So are you still coming over for Christmas?

Raj: Of course darling, James and I are there. You know you're our family.

Me: Fabs, I'll tell the units. We'll talk more about it later.

Raj: Okay kookoo, have a nice night. Love you.

Me: Love you too.

Raj: Stupidhead.

Me: Beeyatch.

Raj: Whatever!


Anonymous said...

WOW...congrats! That takes balls!

Airam said...

The best friendships of all are the one's where you can call the person a beyatch and tell them yo love them all in one breath.

With Love, Fat Girl said...

Just to clarify, I am NOT getting married. It was all a big fat joke.

D, you've got four years on me. Get to work.

Airam, that is so how the world works. My beeyatch is my soulmate.

Lance Morrison said...

That was worse than my April Fools Day joke.
You smell.

Anonymous said...

You two are absolutely IMPOSSIBLE! That's all I have to say, and all I ever will say about you two.