Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Men and the Boys: Sandy

I am 17 years old, and I have won the love of my life. I should be the happiest girl in the world. Instead, I've just discovered that he's going to be a father. With someone else.

What did I do when he told me she was pregnant?

I started laughing. I laughed my head off. Sandy probably thought I was being callous, but I didn't care. If the laughing stopped, the crying would start. The last thing I wanted then was for him to hear me cry.

What I really wanted to do was die. I think part of me did.

After a few more minutes, I forced myself to calm down. Sure this was bad, but it wasn't the end of the world. Tight spots can be fixed. There were just some things I needed to know first. "Is she far along?"

"Long enough."

"Is it yours?"

Silence. Of course it was his.

"Are you going to keep it."

Long pause. "Yes."

My heart dropped into my stomach. Only one more thing to ask. "Are you going to marry her?"

Longer pause. Then, very shakily, "Yes."

Sandy was gone forever.


Lance Morrison said...

Good riddens. I never liked him anyway.

With Love, Fat Girl said...

They weren't married even when the baby was born, I know that because that's how much longer I talked to him. After that I thought the best thing to do was stop talking to him period.

One of my friends saw him a couple of years after that, with her. Said she was bossing him around, he was fluffing her off, and they both looked like shit.

With Love, Fat Girl said...

Yes and no. Nothing made it hurt less, unfortunately.

g string addict said...

i.e. u really loved him?

With Love, Fat Girl said...

As much as a 17 year old can, yes.

nunyabiznaz said...

heart wrenching!

Hope said...

oooooooh!!!!!!! How sad for you, and for him - to kiss his youth goodbye - he was trying to escape for one last time, and it's very sad he used you as an escape hatch. Must have felt like a punch in the gut? Where is he now? And what happened! Tell us the FAT GIRL True Canadian Story!!!