Monday, January 30, 2006

I had to do it. Curiosity killed the cat, or in this case, fed my maniacal delusions. I went back to Starbucks and scoped out everyone's cups. I saw 47, 63, 12, 42, and the man beside me reading his paper had "The Way I See It" #50.

I went for another cup of tea this morning, and guess what I got? Good old #53. "Be exceptional. Make tremendous efforts to be extraordinary. What a privilege to be here on the planet to contribute your unique donation to humankind. Just make sure you do so..."

How on earth does it happen that there are so many numbered cups in there, but I get the same one running for three weeks?

It's official. We have a sign. Any and all ideas, spiritual messages & cuffs to the head welcome pertaining to the subject, What exactly is my unique donation to humankind?

Maybe I'll set up a 1-800 number for input.

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