Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Mia is in her final year of the Graphic Design program, and has narrowed it down to the more artistic courses. She’s very talented. Yesterday she pulled out three watercolour paintings, each brilliant in its own way; one a perfect replica of the March of the Penguins movie poster. I can’t even draw my own stick figure.

Mia’s Tuesday afternoon class is Storyboarding. The instructor is a Sicilian dynamo, talking at the speed of light and issuing homework the way a general orders his troops into the line of fire. Draw! Draw! Draw! Draw!

Needless to say, I get very nervous for her in this class.

In a couple of weeks, Mia and the other students will be handing in a 30-frame storyboard for half their mark. I can see the panic in her eyes as the semester wears down, and the exhaustion. “I’m so worried about that assignment,” she said.

Don’t be, I typed back. You’ll do just fine. You’re so talented.

“But I’m going crazy. I’m drawing and drawing, but it will never be perfect.”

There’s no such thing as perfect.

“Of course there is,” she replied. “Look at the stuff in art galleries and museums.”

Silly girl, I typed, laughing quietly. Do you honestly think even a Picasso painting is perfect? How can you even judge what perfect is? Picasso wasn’t aiming for perfect, he was just doing what he thought was right. There is no such thing as perfect, for anything. There is just your best effort.

She thought about that for a minute. “I think you’re right.”

In this case, I definitely am.

“Thanks,” she smiled, just as the Sicilian started the lesson.

I’m a sufficiently practiced typist in that I can take down almost any information, and think about other stuff at the same time. While the instructor went on and on about the finer properties of drawing facial features, the same thought kept going through my head.

There is no such thing as perfect. There is no such thing as perfect. There is no such thing as perfect.

Maybe this can apply to more than just storyboard assignments.

There is no such thing as perfect; there is just our best effort.


Maybe sometimes, I should take my own advice.


Anonymous said...

I learn so much from your blogs! Great post!

g string addict said...

you are DEFINITELY right: there is no such thing as perfect.


Mood Indigo said...

Warning: Tangent coming...
I find I project my expectations of perfect more on others than myself. Specifically, boys. I have realized as I wait (no longer patiently) for the love-bug to hit that I tend to resent men when they are less than perfect, as they all are. Sure, I beat myself up too, but I can't cut myself off from the possibility of a relationship the way I can when I realize a guy's not perfect and suddenly lose interest...that is until I fall head over heels and then the fact they're not perfect is forgotten all together, and my own imperfections make their presence known. Ah, hypocrasy. Sweet, sweet hypocrasy.

Anonymous said...

Oh there's a perfect...I've seen's elusive and flies away at the slightest bit of movement...oh yes...there's a perfect, it's a point X in our some arbitrary note in's a limit function..approaching, approaching...and never reaching. Wait no, we can reach it, right?

With Love, Fat Girl said...

Thanks, thanks and thanks... and Mood, I know what you mean. Hence why women are so complicated? Messed up? Just women?

Too much to think about.

As for the perfection metre, anya... it don't exist. We'll just frazzle ourselves trying.

Lance Morrison said...

But... I'm perfect... right?

Perfection is one of the greatest downfalls of humankind. We all srtive for it, but the sad thing is that nothing will ever be perfect.

We will find the perfect boyfriend, only to find out he is flawed.
We will find the perfect job, only to hate in a year later.
We will even find the perfect Chineese restaurant in San Fran, only to have them renovate.

You can keep your 'Perfect'. 'Good Enough' will do just fine.