Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I caved and told my friend Pinky about this blog. Pinky is the nickname someone else gave the both of us during our first day of Journalism school together, and it stuck. I can’t imagine calling her anything else, or responding to anything else she calls me.

She really liked the it, but insisted I make sure you all know that I am not obese, and not even fat for that matter. Here, I’ll let her tell you:

“This is great, but honestly, you are NOT fat!!! I think if people didn't know you, they'd get the wrong impression from reading your blog. You make it sound like you're actually obese or something. You are sooooooooooooooooo not fat. And I'm NOT just saying that. We've had long discussions about I will say no more. But aside from that, I think the blog is really great.”

I tried to find this quote I’d read somewhere years ago that said something along the lines of, “A true friend notices when you lose a pound, but not when you gain 10.” That's the basic jist of it, even though I can't quote exactly.

It’s humbling to have such great friends who always manage to see the good side in us, even when we don’t see it in ourselves.

Did I tell them good, Pinks? Thanks for your support and as always, love you madly =)

1 comment:

The Big Cheese said...

If it makes you feel better...I would tell you that you're fat.

That is the kind of friend I can be. I know. You're welcome.