Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The scene: Sandy’s house. I’m ironing a blouse I want to wear when we go out later; he’s at the store getting groceries. After awhile I hear the key in the lock; door opens and there he is, bags in hands and wearing a nice smile.

Sandy makes his way over and says, “Hi cheech. You doing good?”


He gave me a kiss and right then, something really whack happened. For that moment, that split second, something completely new washed over me, a feeling I’ve never had before.


Hoo boy.

Naturally, this gave me an instant headache, and I teetered a bit. Sandy noticed. He bloody notices everything. “You okay cheech?”

“Yes.” Not really.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes…” I’m positive I’ll be fine once I finish having this stroke.

Once, a long time ago, I almost had a fiancé. Not once did I ever have a feeling like this.

Another time, not so long ago, I lived with someone. Not once in three years of sharing an address with that man did I ever get a feeling like this.

After assuring Sandy one more time that I was fine, I meandered over to the stairs and sat down for a bit. After my breathing and vision had returned to normal, I shared a good few minutes with my thoughts.

Quick consult with Catholic Right and Orthodox Left:

CR: Sweetie, this is wonderful! You're finally feeling true love, and all the great things that can come with it!

Sonofabitch. Time for Orthodox Left to snap me back to my ever-insane self:

OL: Nope. She's right.

Again: hoo boy.

Boyfriends, love, commitment, and the dreaded M word. You know, I honestly never thought I would come to a place like this. Even when I was with Jess, I never really thought we’d get to that next step. Even when I wasn’t alone, I got used to flying solo.

Sandy was in the kitchen, whistling to the radio and getting ready to barbecue some steak for lunch. His way of doing things, his way of going about life, makes me feel good. He always makes me feel good.

So maybe then, that thought, that feeling, isn't such a bad thing.

When my stroke eased off, I walked into the kitchen and interrupted his marinading to give him a huge hug. "Know what, Ace?"

"What, Cheech?"

"You're great!"

And with that million dollar smile, he replied just like I knew he would: "I know!"

I'm not ready for that M word yet, but maybe being on the beginning of its path doesn't have to be all that terrible. In fact, I think it will be very nice.

I do think I'm ready for something else though, and really, it's happening whether I like it or not.

Kids, I'm growing up.


g string addict said...

This is a very intimate moment (with yourself) - and I thank you for sharing it with me.

This morning I was thinking that if I were to settle down, then I will only do so with somebody who makes me feel like "this" - and I cant even put a word to "this". I may not know what it is that is missing, but I cant lie and say that something is not missing.

This post tells me that the "this" that I am looking out for is definitely possible.


Mrs. Loquacious said...

It's a weird feeling at first, of course...the idea of "wife" and the whole ball of wax that comes with it. However, I assure you that there is no better feeling in the world than waking up next to him and having him notice that you're waking up, turn over to give you a hug, and say, "Good morning, my beautiful wife!"

The second best feeling is when he introduces you to new people as his wife. It gives me a little thrill every single time.

And trust me, I'm still getting used to the new title and it has been nearly 2 years now.

Anonymous said...

It's a nice feeling, and it's MEANT to be yours. Don't ever question why, or why me, or how come or any of that other stuff that goes through that head of yours (and I SO KNOW it does .... A LOT!) - just take it for what it is. And that it's meant for you. And, I get to say HA! You're following in your big-sister's footsteps. :)

Foofa said...

What a wonderful moment. I'm glad you got to enjoy it and even though you know it isn't time yet that you are looking forward to it. One of Tony's friends always calls me his wife and it freaks me out. Not that I wouldn't be his wife or anything almost 2 years of living together says that but I'm not his wife, yet.

Airam said...

I was having a tiny stroke just reading that and picturing it to be me.

With Love, Fat Girl said...

B, I believe "this" feeling is called, "Everything right now is exactly as it should be." Don't try to find it, it will find you :)

Mrs. L, I can see myself being just like you in that respect. It's been 8 months and I'll still amazed that we're together at all!!

Oli.... HA!

Natalie, if anyone had even attempted to call me Wife while I was still in my 20's, I would have had a stroke for real. But not before taking them out.

Airam, you're hilarious!

The Big Cheese said...

Loved the writing in this post.