Monday, April 03, 2006

Today I did something that I have never before done in my entire life. In my 30 years and a few months on this earth, I did something so shocking and so horrific, I had to look into the mirror to make sure I was still myself.

I woke up early and went to the gym.

That's right, I actually a) woke up early on my day off, 2) ignored the shitty weather, 3) packed my gym bag and hauled ass to 4) the gym where I 5) worked out like a maniac and 6) sweat my yitz off. Whatever a yitz is, I'm sure I sweat it right off.

But the worst, most perverse and disturbing thing of all, 7) I actually liked it.

If change is good, today I am its poster girl.


Hope said...

Halla-friggin-LOO-ya sister!!!!! wow. I'm impressed and inspired! You rock, rock.

Lance Morrison said...

You forgot to mention that there is a hge commute from your house to your gym. Even more impressive!
I've been thinking about going to the gym all morning, but reading your blog is more fun.