Monday, March 19, 2007

100% Real Juice: North Country

I only saw the last 35 minutes of this movie, but the impact was significant enough that I’ll be seeing the rest of it, soon. Although a lot of it has been fictionalized, North Country is based on the first ever major sexual harassment case in America where female miners, suffering a series of abuses, filed and won a landmark lawsuit.

It’s a hard hitting, practical film that hits all the right nerves.

In the movie, Woody Harrelson plays the lawyer who brings the case to court. Near the end, he’s cross examining a witness and says this:

“I had a coach used to say, ‘Win or Lose, leave your blood on the ice.’”

To which the witness replies, “Good coach.”

I really hope some coach somewhere did say that, because that’s not just a good coach. That’s a great coach.

I find it absolutely amazing how many lines, quotes, songs, mottoes, games and even label instructions on this planet can be applied to everyday life. Real life.

Taken apart, the above means, simply, do your absolute best. Your blood, sweat and tears best, no matter the end result.

But then, if you really do that, if you give it your vein-bursting best shot and leave your blood on the ice, is there really such a thing as losing?

I like to think the answer to that is, clearly, No.

At least I hope so.


Anonymous said...

You're right. In that instance there really is no chance of losing.

That movie was incredible. (even more incredible seeing the actors in person during the film festival.) Wait until you see the rest of it - you're NOT going to believe what the men do to the women while at work. You want to punch them all in the head, and then some.

Lance Morrison said...

See, I thought it meant more something like, "Once the game is over, it's over. Don't dwell on the past. The guy that punched you and knocked out your tooth... forget about that now, cause it's done."
Kinda like saying "Don't bring your home life into work and your work life home." or something.
Then again, I still haven't seen the movie.

With Love, Fat Girl said...

See the movie... and some hockey too, please! Or is that possible?

By the way Lance, I still want to do book club, and I have someone else who wants to come with me. If there is info in the air, email it to me. If not I'll just host the next one.