Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Once upon a time there were four girls, captured in a photograph on a beautiful June day, several years ago. They have gigantic smiles on their faces, those girls, and are all wearing identical blue graduation gowns, and holding up crisp white diplomas.

The first of the girls is small, with big brown eyes and dark brown hair. A tiny body, crowned with a perfect broadcaster’s haircut. The joking pixie of the class, and she was going to be a famous anchorwoman. These days she is well on her way as a live reporter for a top TV news station.

The second girl is taller, with glasses and long blonde hair. More of a serious girl, but just as much a joker. She was going to amaze us all with her work in the magazine industry, but instead, found her calling in another direction. That girl went back to school, and is now an attorney.

The third girl is the same height as the second, her black Asian hair styled into a bob. She just wanted to write, and stay true to her roots. Sure enough, she is a staff member on a Singaporean magazine.

The last girl of the group is the tallest, her then very red hair an explosion of curls. She was a success story of the class, that girl, landing a prize internship and on her way to live in another country soon after graduation. She was going to be a photojournalist or foreign correspondent, a household name, traveling and writing about the important stories of the world. She was going to make a difference.

Now, she just types really fast.


Airam said...

I don't know you beyond this blog, but I can tell you that you are more than just a "fast typist".

If I could add to your little snippet:

The curly-haired girl may have become side-tracked but deep down she always believed in herself. Enough to know that before she can make a difference in the world, she needed to start a little closer to home and make a difference with herself. She started by dumping the assehole who constantly made her feel like shit. She then began to take care of herself. Much to her delight, as she ventured into the future, her heart ventured into the past. She reconnected with a lost love who is actually worth her time and heart.

I could go on, but I can't predict your future ... but I bet you can.

g string addict said...

i think it is just a matter of time - and really, typing fast is a good starting skill for whatever difference it is that you are going to make.

actually, i dont think it - i know it. just be yourself girl and everything will fall into place - thats what you told me before and thats one of the rules that i live by these days.

*hugs* the good stuff are coming.

Foofa said...

From what you have described of your work you do make a difference in that respect. You certainly make a difference in the lives of people that read your blog and are given the chance to get a snapshot of a great person. Many, if not most, people aren't doing what they planned on doing after high school. They are instead living for the moment and going where life takes them. And, for the most part, they are doing just fine.

saucygrrl said...

Darling. Fundamentally, one must ask one's self: Am I happy?

Success, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. What is the most basic, yet, seemingly allusive achievement we all strive for? Happiness. Someone can have all of the achievements in the world and still feel empty.

Personally, I believe that one of the most important things that a person can do for the world is to live their life and be genuinely happy. To have a good life, to be satisfied, to not hold yourself back… that’s the real genius. These good vibes have an astounding ripple effect.

So, seriously, how long did it take you to type that post? :)

Anonymous said...

Hey FG
You are who you are...No matter what is going on in your life right now. I think you know what I'm going to say next...believe in yourself, be who you are and all else will fall into place. You are beautiful inside and out, and don't change no matter what.

Haven't I said that to you enough times already?!?! :)

Hope you're doing well and i'll update you on my Bermuda escapade as soon as I can. Mike

With Love, Fat Girl said...

This is going to be a comment box full of thanks.

Airam I can't predict my future, not one bit, but your comment made me cry (fuck I'm doing way too much sentimental crying these days, pms sucks)... thank you.

b, I kept crying when I read what you had to say. Thank you.

Natalie... I sure hope so. And thank you.

Saucy, thank you, but I'm not happy, not totally. That, in essence, is why I started here to begin with. I'll get there, though.

I don't type all that fast when I'm writing because I'm thinking as I'm going along, however, read something out loud to me and my hands become the wind.

Mike, thank you, yesterday, today and tomorrow :) Sure hope you got your groove thang on in the islands...

Emma in Canada said...

Can you get rid of that was going to make a difference and change it to has made a difference.

I don't even know your name and yet, from the very first time you messaged me saying if I needed to talk to email you (which I don't have btw), you have made me really think every time I read a post. You're a fabulous person.

Mood Indigo said...

I love Airam's comment (and all the rest). I know that feeling - that "I'm not where I thought I would be" feeling. Four years ago I thought I was going to work for a year and go abroad. I have just broken from the "temporary" path I chose and it feels fantastic. And it doesn't feel too late at all!