Sunday, October 08, 2006

Dear Pinky,

You must be surprised to see a letter up here for you, given that I never forewarned you of it. And, being that I'm so seemingly lazy at times to bridge our four hour distance. Just remember that you're one of my very best friends, and always in my heart. I've said this so often that I'm hoping it's drummed into your head by now, in which case, I'm glad you know that.

When I saw you last week, you looked marvelous. The best I've ever seen you, in fact. But you also looked sad. Heartbreak is not easy; I know this all too well. And in knowing what I do, what can I possibly tell you to make it better? That it wasn't meant to be? That everything will happen when its supposed to? That every time your heart snaps in half, you're just one less away from real happiness?

Small mutterings, smaller comforts, but all true. You'll find that out one day, and soon.

The real reason I'm writing this though, is because I'm a little bit worried about you, and I think it shows. You and I have a bouncy relationship like that, though I think in the past you've spent far more time worrying about me. Hell, the times I called you with Jess troubles alone could fill a book.

You have experienced small closeness and intimacies with men, yet have always been far too busy to really dive into something serious. This I know. I'm worried about you because I know you want something a little more serious, and we both know you're ready for it, but I also think that wanting it, and not having it right now, is putting you in a bad place. Am I wrong?

Lord knows you've waited. This I can attest to. And I can hardly blame you for wanting what you do. Men are wonderful creatures, after all, and I find it next to unbelievable that no matter how independent a woman you are, having a good man in your life makes all the difference.

But having a bad man in your life makes all the difference, too. I could go on and on about the horrible things they can do, but I'm not here to sour you on relationships. What I'm here for is to say that I want you to want these things in a different way. If you think the best of yourself and your heart is in a good place, happiness will come to you. I know this, because it happened to me.

If you are down on yourself and your heart is in a bad place, difficulty will come to you. I know this, because it happened to me. It's the rule of physics, after all.

You're a big enough girl to know that men, relationships & sex are not the answer, and so I won't lecture you about it. But sometimes life tricks you, and wraps the blindfold around your eyes before you even know it's happening. That's why it's so important for you to find yourself & be yourself on your own, before welcoming anything so important as a relationship in your life.

Be the Pinky we all know and love, and love will come to you. Sooner, not later. I promise.

In the meantime, you know I'm always a phone call away for absolutely anything that's on your mind. The good, the bad and the ugly - just like you've always been for me.

Much love, Pinks.

P.S.: Next time you're in town, let's do this over lattes and biscotti.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this. As I said, I'll keep this one in a special place. I wish SO badly we weren't 4-hours apart. I miss our young(er) days when we had all the time in the world to be foolish and young-at-heart. I remember fondly those good old days. Anyway, thanks for always being there and for always being the amazing friend that you are.
Much love,

Anonymous said...

Come, Pinky. We must prepare for tomorrow night.

-- The Brain.

With Love, Fat Girl said...

I'm *always* here for you, remember that, and we may have a four hour distance, but that's all okay when I get a car!